Thursday 4 August 2016

Week 2

Pictures of the week

looks like a dome from downstairs

leaves peaking thru the metal steps 

a workshop, retail store, bistro

the sun was so strong, the view was beautiful

Went around Rochester as I have never been to, upon reaching i was lost at the MRT station and feeling like a tourist I found my way out to Rochester Mall. As i live in Tampines everything around here is so different it's filled with greenery and high rise buildings. i then walk to Rochester Park, which are the photos above and it is mainly cafes and bar which are really unique looking. I then went back to Rochester Mall and sat down at pie and coffee cafe for lunch. I notice how the lifestyle here is so different from people at Tampines, it's much quieter and peaceful compared to the endless busy crowd at Tampines. Whenever i have "me time" i visit the same places. Today i realize how exciting it is to be in a different atmosphere alone. It made me realize that atmosphere, company do affect one's mood. There are alot of people who are afraid to do stuff/being alone but i feel that being comfortable with being alone is so important because at the end of day, you only have yourself.

Egg Drop Challenge

One survive the drop whereas the extra one didnt :(

we first cut the inner triangle smaller and taping it into a pyramid.

then attach 2 straws to make it into a 6 long straws and then tape it to the pyramid which will help it to "stand" therefor protect the egg that will be placed inside the pyramid.


The overall experience was really fun, working as a team to protect our precious egg!
one of the teammate first suggested this and as we go along each one start to pour out ideas, after we were done with the pyramid and the other side. i then suggested to make a base at the bottom for the egg as we were afraid that the egg might fall off the hole. Its was really nice seeing everyone's idea coming as one and made it!

Ted Talk
Creativity grow out of everyday experience, heartbreak, loss of something, after a war or something terrible. Some artist most powerful work come out of their most difficult times. Everyone goes through hard time, but its about making use of it when its over. For example a glued broken piece of glass, that means there was history to it. Nothing is perfect but its about how you see it.

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